Law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. It can be broken or abused, so people who break it can face criminal charges.
It is a complex area of study that spreads into virtually every part of our lives. There are numerous branches of law, ranging from international laws to civil procedures and family law.
A lawyer is someone who studies and interprets legal matters. They may practice law in the public sector or in private life. They can have a degree, such as a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Civil Law or a Juris Doctor, that identifies them as a professional and sets out their qualifications.
They can also be regulated by a law society or bar association, either as individual members or through their membership of a firm or corporation. They can be commissioned or appointed by the government.
Some lawyers specialise in a particular field of law, such as taxation or labour law. Others have broad general interests, such as environmental law or immigration law.
Law has been defined as “the body of customs, practices, and rules that regulate a society or group.”
There are two basic types of law: common law and civil law. While common law consists of a variety of different systems that are created by legislatures and judicial bodies, civil law is a codified system that defines specific situations in which the law applies and what a court can and cannot do.
A court is a government institution that hears and decides disputes between parties. The court’s decisions can be appealed to higher courts.
Commercial law covers a range of topics from air and maritime laws to competition law. It also includes the sale of goods and insurance laws.
Property law defines people’s rights and duties towards tangible or intangible property such as land, buildings, cars, jewelry and other personal possessions. It also involves mortgages, leases and licensing.
The law relating to property also includes the laws of estates, inheritance and contracts. It is also the source of regulations governing a number of other areas, such as company law and intellectual property.
Often a combination of these is used to make up a complete set of rules about a given area of life, such as the law governing how much children should earn or how many hours they can work per day.
Some religious traditions have their own unique rules that are incorporated into a larger body of law, such as Islamic Sharia or Christian canon law.
There are also a number of non-religious systems of law, such as the laws of states and cities. Some of these are very complex and difficult to understand, but all of them have some relevance.
There are many forms of law, and they can be broken or abused in a wide range of ways. Those who break them can be jailed or fined.