Yale Daily News

The Daily News is the nation’s oldest college newspaper and serves Yale students Monday through Friday during the academic year. It is financially and editorially independent and has published continuously since January 28, 1878. The News publishes a Friday supplement, WKND, the weekly magazine the Daily News Magazine and several special issues each year including a Yale-Harvard game day issue and the Commencement issue. The News also collaborates with Yale’s cultural centers and affiliated student groups to create annual special editions that highlight the voices of our diverse communities.

The New York City tabloid, once one of the world’s largest newspapers, is known for its sensational coverage of crime, scandal and violence and lurid photographs. In the 1920s it was locked in a circulation battle with its even more sensational rival tabloid, the New York Post. Nevertheless, it maintained its prominence throughout the second half of the 20th century and remains a major news source in New York.

In a time of rapid change in the media landscape, the News continues to adapt to meet the needs of its readers. Its award-winning writers and columnists bring you the latest national and local news, New York exclusives, politics, sports and gossip. And no one covers the Yankees, Mets, Giants and Jets like the Daily News.

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The Yale Daily News Historical Archive is a digitized collection of print issues of the Yale Daily News, the country’s oldest college newspaper. It contains 140 years of YDN reporting and is available to the world online.

An anonymous alumnus has made an important gift to support the ongoing work of the YDN Historical Archive. This generous contribution has allowed the archive to be migrated to a new platform and expanded to include more issues.

The News’s editorial staff has a profound case of the jitters in the wake of cost-slashing changes implemented by the paper’s new owner, the ruthless hedge fund Alden Global Capital. It has spelled trouble for the newspaper’s summer journalism interns as well as its many seasoned staffers.

The News takes a deep look at the history and evolution of affirmative action in higher education, following the recent Supreme Court ruling on race-conscious university admissions policies. We explore the complex and often nuanced arguments that have been put forth on both sides of the debate, including the ways in which race has figured into selective colleges’ admissions practices over the past century and beyond.